
Don Quixote and Reversing Expectations

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One of my favorite aspects of Don Quixote is the way expectations are reversed, often by Sancho. Here is one example.

It is a common saying that time heals all wounds. When we suffer trauma, especially emotional trauma, a loving friend will tell us that, “I know it hurts now, but it will ease with time.” For those with a little experience in life, it is a wisdom that certainly rings true—particularly if you are not currently experiencing any trauma. It is also something we try to teach our children about emotions in general. They may feel a certain way in the moment, but it will be temporary. Sancho has a different reaction to the concept.

“Even so, I want you to know, brother Sancho,” replied Don Quixote, “that there is no memory that time does not erase, no pain not ended by death.” “Well, what misfortune can be greater,” replied Panza, “than waiting for time to end it and death to erase it?”

Instead of finding solace in this idea, Sancho is distressed. When you have an injury that only time (or death) can ease, then there is nothing you can do. Some may take comfort in knowing there is nothing they need to do, but others are tortured by the knowledge that there is nothing they can do. Death and time are powerful, inevitable forces. If only their strength can alleviate your pain, then it must be a great injury you have suffered.

While Sancho is often viewed as a fool, there are times when he provides a fresh perspective and a surprising wisdom.

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